Saturday, 20 September 2014

In Nazaré


ホテルの前が市場で、ビーチまでもたったの50m。到着した昨晩ははツアーに食事は含まれたいなかったので、「Mar Bravo」というレストランに食べに行った。




Nazare in Portugal.

There was a outside market in front of our hotel, and only 50m to the beach. Dinner was not included when we got to the hotel last night, and so I went out for dinner to a seafood restaurant, "Mar Bravo".

Sea foods with nice Portuguese green wine. I rarely eat octopus, but why not? I'm in Portugal! It was tender and tasty. 

Unstable weather still went on, but we fortunately had a chance to see a wonderful view of the coast from the upper area. I took a photo with a lady in a costume selling almonds. I couldn't stop smiling. 

I noticed that I could still smile that much....
