This is the name of the town, Arncriffe where I stayed for 3 nights. By train, it takes about 15min to the centre, and 5min to the air port.
フランシスコ・ザビエル カトリック教会!てっきりオーストラリアって英国国教会系のが
フランシスコ・ザビエル カトリック教会!てっきりオーストラリアって英国国教会系のが
St. Francisco Xavier's Catholic Church. It's very interesting to see this sect. I mean, Australia is religiously based on Anglican Church from England.
This is a special butcher shop for Muslim people who seem to be living a lot in this area.
もしかしたらと思ってモスク探しに行ったら見っけえ!でも建設中!^ ^
I though that there must be a Mosque around here, and went out to find it. See! I found one!^^
Look! 7 ELEVEn gas station! I didn't know that!