それで、浜田麻里姉さんのビデオクリップをYou tubeで観て眠気を誘っています。とはいってもあと30分で5時です。このまま起きて過ごすべきですね・・・。
I woke up in the middle of the mid-night because of severe jet-lag.
Then I'm watching Mari Hamada's video crips from Youtube to meke me feel sleepy once again. Anyway, it's almost at 5 o'clock. I should keep awake.
A special concert for the 30th aniversary of her career will be taking place on 27th of Aprill. Her steps are also my steps in life. She had not been in active for nearly 10 years from 1993 to 2002. It's been more than 10 years since she returned to perform on stage, and she is still my great passion.
Her philophical lylics and the world of "Stillness" and "Motion" from her music have made me survice so far.
I just can't stop feeling awes and gratitudes.
Thank you!